2010 is a year that I would like to forget completely. A year that consisted of nearly losing my eldest son. I had a fall off a chair and hit my shoulder that caused excruiating pain for over 2 months. I had it x-rayed and scanned but they could find nothing. I still get pain a lot of the time when I do certain movements. DH's wrist from his work injury nearly 2 years ago is still giving him so much pain. He is now to have a second surgery on it in the New Year. Then to top it all off my dear Dad was diagonised with an agressive cancer on his ear and last week they took off his ear. He is feeling very self conscious about it. I told him it was better to have a Dad without an ear than no Dad at all.
This is a really sweet kookaburra that was sitting on the balcony above us. He wasn't fazed at all - just kept calm while we took lots of shots.
Annette B
So sorry 2010 was such a difficult year... I hope your father has a speedy recovery and best wishes for a super 2011!
Oh dear, 2010 was very tough for you, with problems one after another... Hope you find a solution for your shoulder pain.
Wishing you a great 2011, dear Annette. You are really strong to have handled all these problems.
Take care and let us see stitchy pics from you this year.
Oh Annette you've had a shocker. I hope 2011 brings you nothing but good things and loads of happiness.
I'm praying that your Dad recovers well from his ear op too.
Joy :o)
Hello Annette, so great to see your post. I had been wondering how you are you probably noticed on my couple of comments on your last post.
I hope next year brings better news. Take care.((hugs))
I am really sorry that so many unpleasant things happened to you this year. I was keeping a lookout for your posts for a while. I hope 2011 will be a great year for you and your family. Hugxxxxxx
Oh, Annette, although you've had such a horrid year, I am so relieved to see that you are still here and looking forward to better times ahead. I was very worried about you when you didn't post in so long.
I do hope this coming year is kinder to you and your family...((((Hugs)))
So sorry to read of all theses misfortunes. I hope all will be better in the coming year for you and your family.
Take care and wishing you a Merry Christmas.
Oh my. I have had a terrible year too. I am even crying as I type. Sorry things have been bad for you. Hope next year is better for both of us. xx
so happy to see you back Annette, but so sorry this year has been so rough for you. I too, will be glad to see 2010 come to an end....
love the kookaburra...made me start singing the old children's song!!!
Merry Christmas!!!
Your Nora Corbett is so lovely. I am looking forward to seeing more of it.
Best Wishes and New Year Blessings for you and your family.
I too had my share of adversity - two things got me through it:
1. Believing that everything occurs in cycles when the good times return they will be better than ever
2. A sense of humor
Happy Holidays!
Sorry to hear about you bad year, but I'm glad you're back again. I hope you and your family will have a Merry Christmas and a happy 2011.
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