Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Gift

Christmas is the season for giving gifts.  With all the hurrying to and from the shops planning, keeping gifts a secret I wanted to do a special post about a very special Gift.  The Gift of Jesus.

 Because He Lives
God sent His Son - they called Him Jesus,
He came to love, heal and forgive;

Can you imagine what God went through when he sent us his Son as a little baby as a gift to us - knowing that in the end he would be killed and hung on a cross.  God the Father and his Son Jesus have been together since the beginning of time and there was not a time when they were not one.  Yet because he loved us so much he sent Jesus to us his very special Gift a priceless gift. A gift that a lot of people reject. I have rejected this gift at times and turned away from God.  But thankfully He loves me too much to let me go and He has wooed me back to His side. He never forces me to love Him - He gives me freedom of choice and for that I am thankful and love Him even more.  This Christmas I am gifting my life to Jesus.   What gift will you give this Christmas?

May God's Peace be with you this Christmas Season and from my house to yours Merry Christmas.

I just love this video - The Father's Love Letter.

Annette B


Parsley said...

Sweet post. It is a choice and I'm so glad He came so I could have that gift.

Hazel said...

Jesus is the best gift! I am so thankful to him. x

Shari said...

beautiful post! May you have a wonderful CHRISTmas, due to the fact you know the gift!

Karyn said...

Amen :) What a beautiful post :)
He is faithful.

Ma said...

beautiful post! Jesus is my refuge and I have a lot to be grateful to him!
Merry Christmas !

Jackie said...

I saw your post the other day, but wanted to take time to come back to absorb this. So here I am.
"Jesus is the reason for the season" as we often hear this, but do we practice this? Keep these words in perspective, in our hearts, in our daily prayer and walk with God. I'm so glad I know him.
I thank you for sharing your thoughts and I wish you a Merry "Christ"mas.

Angela said...

Wishing you and your family a wonderful Christmas!

Chars said...

I wish you and your loved ones a very special Christmas filled with love and laughter. May 2010 make all your dreams come true and thankyou for being my friend.

Hugs xx


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